This property is a 15-minute walk from the beach. Straight from the get go, we decided to use our surname "Skamagkas" as the name of the apartments, not only because it's a family business, but also because it has a meaningful heritage, thus being important to us. As you might have already noticed if you've been in Crete before, the vast majority of the surnames end with -akis. Not ours though. For lots of years, thousands of Greeks, were living in various regions around the coast of Asia. Specifically, back in the early 1900's, my great-grandparents were living in Sivrisari.In 1922 something terrible happened, known as Asia Minor Disaster. About one third of the Greek population were expulsed from millennia old homelands. The people who were expelled suffered greatly, they had to leave their homes and their belongings and start a new life somewhere else. Months after the catastrophe, my great-grandparents arrived in Chania, Crete, where they persuited a fresh start. Fighting through poverty and deprivation they managed to stand on their feet. These are roots. This is who we are. This is why we decided to name our apartments, Skamagkas Apartments. It means the world to us and we couldn't be more happy.